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Page 113 of 845

Title Score
John: Captchalogue Fruit Gushers. 221
Dave: Hide evidence in microwave. 296
Enter name. 244
Jade: Consult colourful reminders. 302
==> 253
Read note. 242
Rose: Knit plush cuddle-cthulhu to soothe nerves. 224
John: Investigate room for anything dad may have left behind 291
John: Get grist. 234
Kanaya: View the past. 255
======> 278
Examine room. 233
Karkat: Get some programming done. 276
John: Attempt to open can with your weak pathetic digits. 295
........... 259
John: Deploy... huh? 272
WV: Examine ring. 316
==> 290
John: Combine the cakes to make a tent. 305
John: Nail poster to wall. 272