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Page 10 of 845

Title Score
Be the awesome coolkid. 87
John: Captchalogue punched captchalogued captchalogue card. 84
John: Await further instruction. 84
John: Inspect burnt paper on the matter. 87
Equius: Enter. 100
==> 93
John: Captchalogue Colonel's big book. 100
You must eliminate the archagent. 97
==> 101
==> 96
AH: Engage in highly indulgent self-insertion into story. 96
==> 95
AH: Go check on Aradia's present. 96
==> 95
==> 92
======> 103
==> 100
Dave: Go online and view sites indicative of your room! 99
====> 98
==> 109