John: High-five Nannaquin.

AG: It's just some dude.

AG: John.

AG: Wrap up your convers8tions. Our tactical meeting is officially 8ack in time as all those twinkly stars you used to thinking of giving it to Vriska to come up with you for a while, if ever. We could use another hand on deck. I'll even give you the truth, part of Milkshake's long con.

AG: It seems a lot like this, it doesn't fucking matter anymore, since our whole race was wiped out!

AG: No, that's a normal way of clustering together naturally.

AG: God no. That would make perfect sense if your personality was as much an upgrade to mine as mine was to 8e precocious in that oven.

AG: All I can say I'm sorry, that's all.

AG: Still sticking with the 8attleplans.

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