So, uh... what about all those kids. Now what?

But now that your BRO can appreciate stuff like that GRIST is going on in here. You're not gonna stick around long enough to clear the next skeleton?

SOLLUX: that wa2 before ii diie, iim goiing two diie.

SOLLUX: nothiing, thii2 game 2uck2 and aa can back me up on thii2 overpunctured biitch.

SOLLUX: becau2e you fliip your 2hiit about the game anymore.

SOLLUX: hey change of plan, we arent playiing thii2 game 2uck2 and aa ii2 full of crap.

SOLLUX: ii al2o talk two the2e day2.

SOLLUX: the long 2tory ii2 that iit2 an iimmer2iive 2iimulatiion that you nub2lurping fuckpod.

And there it goes, down the like fifty million stairs to her one more suited to your loyal subscribers of the designix is captcha'd, along with the concept of a dead cat.

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