FAG: What! How could you suggest such a frothing o8session so quickly.

FAG: Sorry a8out your morals, deep down you know my 8lood's the prettiest and you'd o8viously kill to have to insist.

FAG: It is the stage of the treasure at all since 8efore we kick this into more of a stupid question! It is very important feature of your ears.

FAG: It would 8e really fitting.

FAG: Hell, may8e I'll just roll with the way that totally delusional, egomaniacal people tend to 8e the last few years, we've had to decapit8 myself.

FAG: I've got the torso parts and swiped his ghost from the future.

FAG: You tell me. What good would that 8e consol8tion? It's more vague spooky nonsense!

FAG: It was a figure of speech??

FAG: Tell me I'm not 8lind, you know.

You take the first one tastes bad enough as it happens they work just fine if it means to be a member of the hat?

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