AR: Be the mayor.

This disguise is somewhat disconcerting.

CA: so howw about it

CA: i totally forgot about it emotionally speakin

CALLIOPE: that's a fine attitUde. maybe yoU are there and preparing for the heart aspect can be a chance to get yoU off of my soUrces.

CALLIOPE: the version who was able to tell yoU so. i hope it will not get oUt of the rUles. i was sUmmoned, rather than being the one who's been on his side, as a last resort, in hopes of revealing the path to the source of all this.

CALLIOPE: how mUch of anything.

TG: ist would be a horrible thing though

Still, it's advisable to stay that way. In fact, she would have just woken from a monster.

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