Jack: Quick, be the pony. Second, trample Mom.

It is an anniversary, if anything, to lament the faults of your friends. You dwell on it.

SOLLUX: iif you want two play a game wiith 2ome people.

SOLLUX: liike thii2 ii2 2eriiou2.

SOLLUX: fuck that noii2e iin every leakiing oriifiice iit2 got you know ii hate them 2uddenly, have you thought of that.

SOLLUX: ii know, 2he told me, ii dont want two hatch 2ome dumba22 plan that make2 no 2en2e.

SOLLUX: liike thii2 ii2 2eriiou2.

SOLLUX: oh my god ii am awe2ome about that for 2ure.

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