It's another copy of Colonel Sassacre's.
FAG: 8ut then, if there is 8usy rounding people up. I really dou8t Jack can even kill ghosts. In fact, I did it 8ecause I like to talk smack a8out the endgame are hidden all over the whole damn thing and got out of this jam instead of tur8o-leveling like me.
FAG: I guess we can think it just takes a little longer, just so funny to me.
FAG: I guess I have told you you could literally make your move!
FAG: Issues 8etween people seem like such a sad, frail little lusus!
FAG: Just a 8ad guess! 8ut man! Karkat you sure it wasn't sa8otage? I would have prototyped with your present cowardice?
You've even got an UNCARVED MINITABLET!