John: Combine fake arms with cake.

SOLLUX: kiind of 2hiit you have two prove anythiing two you, and that ii2 what happen2, riight??

SOLLUX: liie2.

SOLLUX: why dont you get on HII2 ca2e about iit iin2tead of MIINE.

SOLLUX: seems like he wants t0 talk t0 ab0ut it.

SOLLUX: and now look at you all.

SOLLUX: iif you ran iit, ju2t go back two whatever you were doiing.

SOLLUX: check me out, all du2tiing iit liike a tiip. liike thank2 dude2 for makiing u2 exii2t.


DIRK: But you gotta watch what you're thinking, remember?

DIRK: Maybe you aren't that... into... this.

Wait... you almost forgot! One minute until the moment after the apocalypse of Earth.

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