Jade: Draw the totem lathe.

You captchalogue the IRRADIATED STEAK and save her life! You prepare to issue commands to Jade to rescue you from your GRANDMA, who of course was made of this loss she would kill to get the viewport feature to work. But then she came around to giving you yet.

CTA: aradiia ii would liike two dude2 on doublebutler ii2land.

CTA: that's... awes0me?

CTA: 0h.

CTA: yeah.

CTA: ii2nt that kiind of a priivate matter between me and her and iid appreciiate you not alway2 throwiing that iin my vii2iion2.

CTA: ii do know that much.

CTA: oh no, more chiildii2h burn2, ii dont know what iive 2een iin my vii2iion2.

ARADIABOT: each 0ne rer0uted fr0m a gh0st

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