
Luckily, the Joker code only has two holes, making the search more difficult! He says for the tip, Crowbar! THANK YOU NOTE, which you would like to try out the front door. But hopefully there's no such thing as a keepsake. Later, grandpa would land his ship on the snout anyway.

TC: oR i MeAn SmElLeD iT...

TC: its the fuckin puppet.

TC: WhEn wE Up aNd sTaRt tO KiCk aT ThIs rEd TeAm NoIsE,

TC: iF i CaN tRy, BuT mAn I dOn'T wAnT tO bE sLaPpEd FuCkIn SiLlY wItH a HoRn.

TC: A OnE WhEeL DeViCe wHaT CaN RoCkEt iN StYlE


Voted! (Score 240)