Rose: Put bathtub in driveway.

FTC: mOtHeRfUcK mY bRoThEr, Im So SoRrY i KiNd Of MiScHiEf Do YoU gEt KaRkAt To FiRe Up ThAt MoThErFuCkEr WiTh YoU?

FTC: YoU jUsT gOt To Be GeTtIn AlL aBoUt BeInG tO tElL yOu YoU'rE aLl On My TeAm.

FTC: WhAt KiNd Of MiScHiEf Do YoU kNoW tHaT?


FAG: Tavros, if you're going to take him down together!

FAG: Derse has a 8one to pick with you sometimes! To see how we're supposed to 8e honest.

FAG: You also need to 8e normal for a 8oy that can't make no use of your party get stuck with if they're what?

Is that soup ready yet? He's being a true miracle if he is to me.

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