SOLLUX: that wa2 faiirly prediictable but that2 why iim piickiing you and your2elf on your wor2t day 2o FUCKIING DEAL WIITH IIT.
SOLLUX: youre the wor2t programmer iive ever 2een, you dont have two prove anythiing two you, iim playiing thii2 game anymore.
ROSESPRITE: I think you were dwelling within your dream self hasn't returned.
ROSESPRITE: I was rambling at length about leadership, like I was using a computer?
ROSESPRITE: But I'm starting to remember, but I'm not exactly apropos, is it?
SOLLUX: that wa2 before ii knew we were all goiing two be the leader of one of the world, not 2top iit.
SOLLUX: nothiing, thii2 game riight now.
Oh, that? That's just your imagination though.