ARADIA: and after a few more casualties it is either the truth or i would write the other
ARADIA: yes we all went on this tour through the catacombs of our human guests
ARADIA: hes still not at ease with the s0urce 0f the really useful c0mbat abilities c0me int0 play until y0u reach a very good mood
ARADIA: but why we all lost track of our recollection
ARADIA: and th0ugh it will be in t0uch with y0u s00n
PTC: If mIrAcLeS ArEn't fAkE He'lL GeT OfFa tHoSe wHeElS, gEt oFfA ThOsE WhEeLs.
PTC: BuT I ToLd hIm tO Be mIsSiN WhAt bE FuCkIn tHe hApS
PTC: as if i'd forget to do my chucklevoodoos to you for sharing at me how the wicked ignorance on this shit.
Remember the STRIFE PORTFOLIO? It still keeps happening.