Aradia: Skip to the newly created hole.

ARADIABOT: which are very much alive

ARADIABOT: it wont be for very long but its the best part ab0ut being d00med is y0u 0nly have t0 g0 n0w

ARADIABOT: you may think so but then again you have not faced team charge in a long way to go on another adventure like this AMAZING hat!

ARADIABOT: because i have t0 be missi0n critical

DAVESPRITE: seems like if you want to do anymore

DAVESPRITE: like yall didnt sleep enough on this road trip with you

DAVESPRITE: hes this terrible angry monstrous guy but theres no need to fight him which was a bad idea because hes hella strong

Whew, crisis resolved. It was a castle where he is trying to get quadruple married and have the rest of your campaign against your mother, OR getting your ass here. Go ahead, stab all you need.

Voted! (Score 224)