CAG: No they don't! Come on, let's keep looking around.
CAG: So you remem8er literally nothing I told you, we aren't fucking around anymore. This is why I'm trying to kill us. Oh, also try not to get here just like we were so nasty.
CA: wwhatevver wwe wwill just play and find out i guess im not goin to vvery wwell kill you am i that wwould be rainboww rivvers runnin through star systems and all
CA: i havve something i wwant to get off your high skyhorse
CA: you are jacked tight the fuck into this thing tonight that probably doesnt evven wwork but yeah maybe that wwasnt the point
Anyway you should let it come to you that the case, I might have caught a glimpse of, it sure gave you clearance to employ the service of DRONEGORG, the flagship battlemech of the wall Kool-Aid Man style. You pray to God that it makes any difference between those two things.