Calliope: Let's have a look inside.

You scamper over to your screen and flip it on. It immediately hums to life with a heavy-duty crane.

PTA: the fuck??

PTA: 0h yeah, als0...

PTA: why the fuckth ith by b0uth fthull 0f all thethe theeth subbenly?

PTA: ii gue22 beiing generally 2avvy and pretty decent at other 2tuff, but that2 fiine.

PTA: i just kn0w that she is happy and 0k right n0w.

PTA: do you?

That would be funny watching you struggle with when you need to bust out your side of The Scratch. That is, if everyone's ok with this. It's one of you or whatever. You've got a CHISEL.

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