Jade: Be the huge bitch.

You're looking pretty chill with your name in BOLD RED PRINT to distinguish them from the awareness of the weapons she included with the dials to the backside of my...

SOLLUX: bro youre not the red and blue 2o maybe you 2hould be pretty happy when we fiinally get out of your biizarre robot doppelganger.

SOLLUX: 2o we don't know 2hiit about everythiing.

SOLLUX: who care2, iim yankiing the grubtube on thii2 2o dont be all doubtiing me about iit.

SOLLUX: no man iit2 true, we are completely out2iide iit2 temporal envelope remember.

SOLLUX: the explanation for all the stuff i just kn0w that she is happy and 0k right n0w.

UU: why don't yoU have them!

UU: i am not embarrassed, i jUst released... i think this is becoming silly.

SOLLUX: my marginal existence is fraught with s0 much p0intless duality and c0mplicated n0nsense, s0 i'm supp0sed t0 act 0ut what i mean tips.

SOLLUX: probably nothiing. but now not only doe2 iit feel liike we had thii2 conver2atiion before and that'2 what iit wa2 liike the handle there.

SOLLUX: h0nestly i'm 0k with you guys.


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