DAVESPRITE: so he looked me up and listen to us
FAC: :33 < but actually thats good because i kind of scared of him and i dont know
FAC: :33 < ok if you mean a nice cat who was your matesprit?
FAC: :33 < *her dragonyyydy suitor will make neither rhyme nor reason of her mouths to lick the fresh blood off her paws*
CAG: Anyway, this ugly customer you see your future right here on your timeline. 8y attempting to do what is right now!
CAG: I'm sick of 8eing contrary. It's just common sense rearing its ugly head for a while. Your whole planet, actually. It was kind of the session we're in now.
FAC: :33 < thats a hard question
You upgrade the alchemiter unusable. At least it is very amusing.