Jade: Realize you can go.

PTA: iitll only be a 2econd really you dont have two waiit for anythiing, iit'2 all already there.

PTA: 2o anyway, ii thiink 2o.

PTA: my marginal existence is fraught with s0 much p0intless duality and c0mplicated n0nsense, s0 i'm supp0sed t0 act 0ut what i w0uld be fine.

PTA: but it's 0k, i'm 0k with you guys.

PTA: like as if t0 say, n0w that i can.

PTA: we are 2uppo2ed two 2ave the world wiill end and get a call from the pre2iident or 2ome 2hiit.

PTA: maybe they know we made them? maybe iit'2 two late for that, but yeah, i can see that.

You go back decades.

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