WV: Welcome the rest into the garbage disposal.

Your sylladex thinks they are just cans after all.

SOLLUX: oh yeah, ii am riight glubbiing here, liike two dude2 on doublebutler ii2land.

SOLLUX: iif you want two be nothiing but trouble for u2.

SOLLUX: iif you want two 2ay 2omethiing two me 2iince you became that 2weaty a22hole'2 2moochbot.

SOLLUX: anyway 2crew you, iim a great hacker, periiod.

SOLLUX: like as if i'm getting...

SOLLUX: iim telliing red team leader.

SOLLUX: bro youre not the red team leader two forget the whole thiing.

SOLLUX: ok how about you take your own adviice you are now offiiciially the liife of the blue.

SOLLUX: that wa2 the joke 2hut the fuck are my teeth missing?

SOLLUX: seems like he wants t0 talk t0 y0u ab0ut it first.

We need to chill out and impudent or whatever her/his name is. Who the hell down.

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