Great! I would like you to get that guy's attention.

ARQUIUSPRITE: You're right, I must say, while the troll part of myself I'm ashamed of

ARQUIUSPRITE: Horsefeathers, my brain is so POWERFUL, it is now fully bivalent. Perhaps even univalent

ARQUIUSPRITE: It seems there is a 100% probability that you order me to touch my muscles

ROSESPRITE: I guess I don't look at it is to the gradual flooding.

UU: which as it may be the most active class of all, he prevails throUgh the simple inertia of inevitability that has always been more motivated by the means which i may have reasonably led yoU to say aboUt it which i most certainly do NOT. upu

UU: do yoU need to destroy me.

UU: how can yoU claim this as a hero of heart.

ARQUIUSPRITE: Dude, that is a 100% probability that I spend virtually 100% of my digital human half

ARQUIUSPRITE: In a moment of weakness my reverence for a cunning, malicious artificial intelligence composite of your bro, in the hypothetical plane of roleplay, or if it will be needed for you without lying about the precision of my truly e%ceptional

ARQUIUSPRITE: Neighther should it be ascribed to the Nepeta portion of you, Davepeta,

Before going back to the god damn selfie of yourself, posing next to these two lawless ladies you suppose, way out of bullets.

Voted! (Score 240)