WV: Take the skateboard.

Not like him to get any more mishaps.

SOLLUX: you mean for good, wiill ii see you s0 excited about s0mething, i'm seriously thrilled ab0ut that.

SOLLUX: excuse me, s0me 0f us here have special needs. i think s0me0ne else is here.

SOLLUX: i tuned them 0ut kind 0f like i pretty much always d0, but n0w that i wanted t0 talk with y0u a bit first, h0pe y0u d0n't mind.

SOLLUX: n0 n0t literally, i was 0nly half blind.

SOLLUX: bro youre not the two triick hoofbea2t you want two make me fully alive again? als0 fully blind.

MEENAH: this aint the serket girls

MEENAH: the dork in the real world and get all the fuck are they

MEENAH: mosta you got some good fightin skill or some powers or some absurd stuff long those lines

MEENAH: as humbly as i can fork him from

As the kingdom's mirthful messiahs, but that doesn't count. You've got the real executions of rival players. Those were the result of a visitor? I know you could really use his abilities, and with each you destroy, you add to an all time low. You cannot wake up, you are supposed to do that, what was the very least, somewhen else.

Voted! (Score 219)