
I cradled the oracle in my synthetic hand, as if this was round one against the rules.

CTA: iit ju2t make2 NO 2en2e, you can count me out.

CTA: you want two be riight, that ha2 two happen liike that.

CTA: wow what a d0uche!

CTA: they're the numeral2 of the team2?

CTA: ok ii diidnt 2ay anythiing about a red team, or even that there were two team2, but fiine.

CTA: kiind of juttiing out and beiing tangled or whatever.

CTA: aw sthith, i guethth i'm 0utha here.

CTA: two ba2iically ju2t babble about paradoxe2 and argue wiith your2elf for hundred2 of page2 heheheh.

You may decide to SEEK COUNSEL from the future, the same row has to offer, he will pick up the hole below. This was suggested by Rose's future dream self killed, which is now logged in again.

Voted! (Score 228)