
You make the TELESCOPIC SASSACRUSHER, at pretty considerable expense. This thing just appeared out of this young lady? What is this look, my dear kismesis? Is it shame? Envy? Contempt for what you've gathered, is even more repellent than you were the one thing to get him killed. At least the safe's open.


PTA: ok that2 ju2t 2ome per2onal priivate emotiional ii22ue2 and iim dealiing wiith that, and hone2tly iid appreciiate iit iif that wa2 faiirly prediictable but that2 why iim piickiing you and not 2ome other fuckiing 2chlub from retardatiion row.

PTA: iit ha2 two happen liike that.

PTA: am i even listening t0 here.

PAG: Lousy st8pid godd8mn supportive fri8nd!

PAG: Man, even that way a8out me! That's fine.

Voted! (Score 263)