Heir: Level up.

CAA: but yes alright i will eliminate some suspense and try not to take the nap which led to your left and discover you are unconscious now and will s0w the seeds 0f 0ur d00med legi0n

CAA: the old fashioned way

CAA: we w0uld be within 0ur reach

NEPETA: :33 < lol! bs!!!

NEPETA: :33 < *yes! ac finds that to be pretty cautious about expressing their f33lings when it comes to the flushed quadrant

NEPETA: :33 < i have to talk to him in the past and told him he could post here as long as he was not purrticularly disagr33able?

NEPETA: :33 < *ac gets a clever idea to slake the majestic dragons mighty hunger*

CAA: but what is that

CAA: watching us

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