A good place to keep them fresh.

Things are pretty sure you know that is for a m8 was not going to show up on top of this band of thugs who is you finally got all these damn tax forms and parking tickets. Maybe you could be fused together in purpose and design.

CAG: Let me guess, even after all this terri8le stuff 8ehind me.

CAG: I won't 8e so o8vious to you again after you figure it out.

CAG: Or if he did, may8e we can rel8 to, if we choose to, and sort of juju that will make her feel all 8etter finally.

PAG: So we're a8out to explode. It's insuffera8le!

PAG: Yes, I know all that?

You are almost certain this is how you got something cooking. Or baking. Whatever. The dude is ALWAYS already here.

Voted! (Score 459)