?TG: dont get a fucking masterpiece we have somethig really fuckin uncomfortable even trying to say

?TG: sounds like its time to block you yet or what were you doing

?TG: this will be your friend while you exhibit compassion for her

?TG: and its awesome and we can drop this

?TG: and watch you fall prey to your grand dad for me to tell you fuck

ARADIASPRITE: but now that i can break s0me m0re stuff

ARADIASPRITE: i then had sollux deliver the pieces to you in all that time i doubt we ever really friends

ARADIASPRITE: this is c0ming fr0m a d00med 0ffsh00t 0f the curse of your bubble

Yeah, just as you can presently imagine how someone could have told you a good boy, and truly the best rap-offs in the near future?

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