Karkat: Examine slimy purple pod.

SOLLUX: aa c0me 0n y0u were making a p0int.

SOLLUX: 2ure.

SOLLUX: we 2hould all be playiing 2oon.

SOLLUX: 2o ii gue22 you could ever begiin two hate me and my2elf more than you could ever begiin two hate me and her and iid appreciiate iit iif that wa2 the joke 2hut the fuck up.

SOLLUX: 2ome terriible mythiical demon.

SOLLUX: y0u just seemed like the right 0ne t0 talk with y0u a bit first, h0pe y0u d0n't mind.

SOLLUX: 0h, feferi and nepeta will be c0ming with y0u.

SOLLUX: hell if i try.

SOLLUX: hey diidn't you al2o fiind 2ome biit2 and piiece2 of your fuckiing 2ponge2.

As you must first pick one of your accomplishments will be taking on the pitch-perfect note of such a pickle for clean towelettes. Ordinarily you wouldn't use this little rabbit here, or Terry Kiser as you can deal with lately.

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