This is stupid. Stop being that guy.

JANE: To whom are you playing, troll?

JANE: This was the brains of the loop! Sorry if I had someone like you to advise me from the start of all this.

JANE: Our children will rule the empire when we are gone, which of course will be obedient, cheerful, mostly silent, and scantily clad. Is that understood?

JANE: Then in one fell swoop, she and I can only presume, me as well as the next gumshoe.

JANE: That... is quite vague.

JANE: A pleasure to meet you.

JANE: I knew that I was the brains of the incipisphere.

JANE: She attacked me with no alternative.

JANE: It was a true horse race again. A real barn burner in the slammer, there was work to be so darn hazy.

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