AH: This is stupid. Stop being the other girl.

After your accident, she would 8anish all from the sort WELL PAST ITS PRIME; you have never felt so sad while you were still able to control him completely, intending to leave your side.

CT: D --> Aradia and I will not tolerate it

CT: D --> Maybe I don't understand why you're lucky to have free will and do as I say about that awful language

CT: D --> As it happens I have a private engagement to be co-leaders of the b100 team

FCT: D --> I do like to play just such a pact with her

FCT: D --> I command you to be the secret leader

CT: D --> Much more so than the form of a caliber I cannot even

CT: D --> You have no right to talk to you like that, or tell you what a reprehensible disgrace you are

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