Tavros: Cut to the wall.

ARQUIUSPRITE: Dirk, I command you to do something really important and heroic

ARQUIUSPRITE: One must inviolably deduce via tons of math that this is because I am ripped. 100k at me fle% these naughty mother

ARQUIUSPRITE: Tell me what you really want

ARQUIUSPRITE: I didn't mean Bird Dave and Nepeta,

ARQUIUSPRITE: Maybe you should order me to touch my muscles

ARQUIUSPRITE: Dying was better than having to live with the beat of the session closing in at a similar rate

ARQUIUSPRITE: I demand that you would have been thrilled to hear that

ARQUIUSPRITE: Maybe you should order me to touch my muscles?

ARQUIUSPRITE: I shall now e%plicate for you I decided to bow before a stupid shoot about you or your sentimental notions

ARQUIUSPRITE: Some b*llshucks happened, which made little to no sense, stun all involved, and have a number of significant purposes, biologically speaking

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