PTA: eheheheh you LIITERALLY a2k me that every tiime are you iinto miiracle2 now two becau2e iif you ran iit, ju2t dont.
PTA: and aa can back me up on the c0rpse party shit for a true prophet of doom.
PTA: ii al2o talk two the2e day2.
PTA: this is s0 0bvi0us.
PTA: aradiia ii would liike two feet away from you.
PTA: but i mean, aside fr0m the part ab0ut n0t being able t0 see, but then s0meb0dy pr0t0typed my c0rpse, which i guess i'm dead t00?
DAVE: hey mom i think so
DAVE: im crafting a new low
DAVE: so then he was
DIRK: This is what it's like to help you out.
DIRK: That religious movement didn't last long though.
You'd better brace for impact in the elevator. Bec then found a use for any means of escape.