Hooray! This one contains a prize!

You know this place like the sentry phoned downstairs for a while ago. You've since no longer the other room hours ago.

ARANEA: Jake, no! What are you getting flustered a8out this literature?

ARANEA: 8ut this is mostly theoretical, of course.

ARANEA: I'm sorry!

ARANEA: I am a fairly gifted psychic.

TA: i tuned them 0ut kind 0f were, s0rt 0f a relief, maybe y0u're right, i'm feeling better ab0ut this already.

ARANEA: It would 8e dishonest not to damage the planet with such royal 8lood, aside from the 8eginning!

ARANEA: I would feel a8out that if you don't care at all, 8ut to one another, and help orient an old friend of mine to the full 8ody of romantic experience. Our concept of romance, and certainly more alien.

Voted! (Score 19)