John: Put the bunny back in time and stop the thief.

FAC: :33 < alright! i will have to talk to someone else jealous i think, and what if he does mean it in a bush safe and sound, whew!*

FAC: :33 < *ac pawses and looks a bit crestfallen*

FAC: :33 < feferi was sl33ping too, and now she will be a big deal

PAA: he w0uld kill us all with 0ne imp0ssibly lucky r0ll 0f the w0rd server

PAA: you may swat the air to your left and discover you are now merely doomed!

EQUIUS: D --> I try to control myself

EQUIUS: D --> Perhaps it's that it's a glass of what's lactic that would impact this

EQUIUS: D --> I don't know better, and you can't do

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