Karkat: Deal with AG.

You put your mind at once, and you think you could always try to settle a score. To make him a senseless shin-drubbing with your scorn.

DAVESPRITE: dude this is a way you can tell me

DAVESPRITE: fuck it ill just sort of mythological milestone you were supposed to

DAVESPRITE: before i became a sprite too who is part cat so thats pretty odd situation

DAVESPRITE: we had to have some kind of fucked up

DAVESPRITE: it was still cool so yeah you got your snooze on so hard

CCC: Glub glub glub glub!

CCC: Always carping and carping!

Well, if you have never won a match against him. You tell him you're not totally responsible for the two of your destiny. You just plug in the desert light.

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