Rose: Go downstairs to the story jackass.

PTA: relay a me22age for me, tell them two u2her iin the mood.

PTA: two ba2iically ju2t laughiing here at thii2, WOW.

PTA: thii2 ii2 2o iimmature, iim ba2iically ju2t lmao here at thii2, WOW.

PTA: liike thii2 ii2 bad

PTA: ii could pull 2o much for thii2, iit doe2n't make 2en2e, you're all out of here?

PTA: maybe they know we made them? maybe iit'2 two late for that, but yeah, i can tell y0u are b0th enj0ying this, i can see that.

PTA: so then, we made them? maybe iit'2 liike a 2aucy fuckiin maiid.

But what if you don't put any stock in that 8iosystem. The universe could not abide. Her vanity wouldn't allow it.

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