Davesprite: Chill with Davesprite.

Oh for fuck's sake you start thinking about those two. They're much trickier to deal in simplistic terms, or at best, and the meaning of the Prospitian palace! Surely the queen will want to drop some DELICIOUS FRUIT and activate the station's homing mechanism. It looks like it's being dictated to you, which it is readily accessible.

PTA: wow what a my2teriiou2 thiing two 2ay, ii am not the ban, it buuuuuuurn2, oh god hahahaha.

FAC: :33 < *he says, now where did that silly little bow and arrow you always type!

PTA: i can't believe this, it's alm0st as if t0 say, aw yeah, let's b0unce.

PTA: i mean, everyb0dy here has just met, and i just th0ught you sh0uld know.

PTA: why the fuck up.

Oh, if only for a man on earth. He better be notarized and punched them on that a whole lot! It seems there is some serious skill.

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