John: Reunite with your weak pathetic digits.

You get a rise out of this nonsense.

SOLLUX: oh no, more chiildii2h burn2, ii dont remember you gettiing angry about anythiing.

SOLLUX: i tuned them 0ut kind 0f the sens0ry impaired, why d0n't y0u bite me.

SOLLUX: yeah, well, ii gue22 the long 2tory ii2 that iit2 an iimmer2iive 2iimulatiion that you play wiith a group.

SOLLUX: they're all real!!! SHIT, i d0n't think i will c0ntinue dragging my feet if y0u d0n't find it insulting that i can.

SOLLUX: dont bother me iim not playiing, you 2hould two.

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