NEPETA: :33 < even karkat does it sometimes, even if he doesnt f33l the same way, and, urrgh, its so complickated
NEPETA: :33 < so, youre saying that maybe i just n33d to let go of the slain armored cholerbear for gc*
NEPETA: :33 < like actually got one to blow you a kiss!*
NEPETA: :33 < how did you ever even successfully fired an arrow?
NEPETA: :33 < rawrgh, you are right at the twitching tip of it, dont you s33? look at that silly little bow and arrow you always type!
NEPETA: :33 < what if i talk to someone else jealous i think, and what if he does mean it in a bush safe and sound, whew!*
NEPETA: :33 < but i am so on to you!