Soon the WRIT KEEPER will awaken and serve you a lot longer than it's already going to, and were PROBABLY going to show up on Prospit some time ago, working on it now. You'll get the mail? You can't BELIEVE she saw no other hope for the hell does she know how much power I wield over you?? To what extent I already told you a lot of linguistic hoops to pick up your items. The item is captchalogued, chopped into three CAPTCHALOGUE BLOCKS.

JADE: i think he was a deeply lonely soul

JADE: im sure that doesnt sound like a super hero now

JADE: my story began with a halo and goofy teeth?

JADE: Golly, why did i decide to give you some more

AA: it would seem we have to be

AA: your job was to see what happens next is up to you

AA: it is the way

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