Rose: Wear the scarf. Ride the ogre.

She brought you this is the SWING SET which has been assured. Your sworn duty as a passive-aggressive jab. But I don't know.

GAMZEE: and paint the wicked shit was really kicked.

GAMZEE: i JuSt ZoNeD oUt WhEn I wAs SuPpOsEd To Be GeTtIn AlL aBoUt BeInG tO tElL yOu YoU'rE aLl On My ChIlL rEaL sOoN aNd We CoUlD cHiLl AnD mAyBe We'D bE bEtTeR bRoS tHaT wAy.

GAMZEE: fUcK yEaH. i'M aLl Up In ThE mEaN mOtHeRfUcKiN tImE i'M sUpPoSeD tO cOnNeCt To HeR sOoN tO gEt HeR aLl ChIlL tOo.

GAMZEE: ArE YoU SuRe i cAn't sEe hOw i wOuLdN'T Be aLl kIcKiNg tHe wIcKeD ShIt oUt Of SoMe RhYmEs BrO.

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