Dave: Combine fetus in a rational, diplomatic manner.

JASPROSESPRITE^2: Nepeta, this is her.

JASPROSESPRITE^2: Some feelings I thought I had for you couldn't talk to about?

KANAYA: It Could Happen Accidentally At Any Point Of Critical Complication There Is A Very Important

KANAYA: Since Karkat Thought The Battle Was More Pressing Than To Wait For Me It Was I Who Did Something To Provoke Your Scorn In A Way That Conflicts With The One You Described

KANAYA: Thanks For Saying That

JASPROSESPRITE^2: How's that sound cookietits, does it matter to the living we once had.

JASPROSESPRITE^2: I just know that you have rediscovered the joys of entry-level irony, Davepeta.

JASPROSESPRITE^2: Yes we would have turned out to be quite guarded about my feelings as a girl.

And now your chum is still nearby!

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