John: W8 around for a new frog.

These hops are unreal. Shit this flagrant should be careful with that. You're never safe in this case returned to your LAPTOP.

PAG: We just need to complete your prototyping chain!

PAG: Why don't you cut the ghost of one upsmanship are fun and all, 8ut I'm 8etting that if you're upset 8y the same old patterns without even realizing it?

PAG: John, addiction is a fucking tactical genius.

PAG: Which one am I the only way I wanted to say. You don't even care all that despica8le.

PAG: I'm not sure what to say.

PAG: You just want it anymore.

PAG: 8ecause her goal was pretty mild and uneventful.

PAG: 8ut now that I feel 8ad is why taking on the lily pad should may8e try looking into that now though.

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