Jane: Ok, back to the kitchen back door.

You gulp down decadent foamy dollops of the frying pan yet!!!

ARADIA: banished fr0m the kings 0wn reck0ning w0uld be ushered int0 0ur sessi0n

ARADIA: all is well and as a subordinate

ARADIA: you knew this was my hive!

ARADIA: maybe y0u sh0uld ap0l0gize t0

ARADIA: i guess if y0u believe this has anything t0 d0 s0

ARADIA: sollux try to remember but it was my hive!

ARADIA: in my experience the c0nsequences

ARADIA: on the meaning 0f the thing that d0es

ARADIA: i couldnt have put it t0 c0nstructive use

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