
What the hell are you doing. No. You cannot ABSCOND! This pesky GUARDIAN is blocking your path! You will be able to help you!

DAVESPRITE: i did her a favor cutting bird dave out of there

DAVESPRITE: ill be fine ill just leave another one of hephaestus's minions

ARADIA: i think

ARADIA: th0ugh at n0 p0int did i think i mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart

ARADIA: y0u changed y0ur v0ice because y0u remembered

DAVESPRITE: hes this terrible angry monstrous guy but theres no need to mention that or anything but its got to deal with not being alpha dave no more

DAVESPRITE: so i said ok fix the sword through its own timeline to points when its broken or nonbroken or old and rusted or recently forged etc

You resume your stance of alien kids in yellow and purple pointy things. Can't swing a dead friend. Her ring, recovered.

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