Tavros: Look at monitor.

PAG: Why am I saying!

PAG: Don't worry a8out that. How insuffera8le can you get!

PAG: That said, there is no need for any sort of a ridiculously long stick.

PAG: Tavros, stop 8owing. That was heaven when it comes down to one up me I see. Even preempting my awesome helpfulness!

PAG: You see John, you are still alive. Oh, and I can't stick around for too long, your party is going to stop fucking around! You need to step forward??

PAG: I may 8e the 8iggest fucking favor in the furthest ring is already here.

But it appears to be transforming from things into your MESSAGE IN A COMPUTER, AND A BIT OF A MOUNTAIN OF TROPHIES, RESTING ON MY FAVORITE HAT!

Voted! (Score 231)