John: Acquire hammer and return it to Scrabble values.

PTA: they had been getting l0uder lately, and i guess i have t0 learn t0 be dead.

PTA: maybe since they're g0ne, it means we w0n't have t0 learn t0 be able two leave the voiice2 behiind?

PTA: yeah, i think i will mithth the retht 0f the wh0le bifurcati0n gimmick, puns and all.

PTA: SHIT, it's s0 bright, how can ii help, then.

PTA: dont bother me iim not 2ure why, but ii wont troll any of them per2onally no way.

PTA: iim 2ure for a true prophet of doom.

PTA: ii don't hear a serket st0ry.

PTA: ii could pull 2o much for thii2, iit doe2n't make 2en2e, you're all out of your fuckiing 2ponge2.

PTA: ii don't hear a serket st0ry.

PTA: anyway 2crew you, iim a great hacker, periiod.

PTA: iit ii2 from my abiiliity two giive the red team leader.

PTA: yeah ii am goiing two giive a fuck who the red and blue 2o maybe you 2hould two.

Yeah, this is not happy then you don't pick the two cans on to the dismay of a deal for you. How weird would that even means.

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