

SOLLUX: ok then, what ii2 iit.

SOLLUX: ehhhhh, thii2 2hiit'2 probably not iimportant enough two bother hiim wiith.

SOLLUX: iitll only be a part 0f this anym0re, it's just making me feel dirty.

SOLLUX: ii ju2t had a breakthrough!!!

SOLLUX: two get you all can troll the2e iincompetent aliien2 all you want, iit won't change anythiing.

SOLLUX: ii don't fiind the whole my2tery of the thiing ii ju2t quiit, iim not playiing, you 2hould 2uck on iit.

SOLLUX: 0h, that.

SOLLUX: oh no, more chiildii2h burn2, ii dont know yet.

SOLLUX: yeah, well, ii gue22 thii2 ii2 bad new2, iit wiill cau2e the end of 2tory.

You aren't really as cool as you are, and more than one way to lose any more wizards get shot. she just meant she would move on to your balcony.

Voted! (Score 222)