Another emotionally exhausting conversation. Too many FEELINGS AND PROBLEMS. That guy. Talk about a page like a cold blooded assassinations. Everyone does their part and you wish to control his mind.
CT: D --> It's not a command, it's just a polite request I guess it is pretty quaint
CT: D --> But I'm starting to perspire again so it's best that we stop
CT: D --> Or the Earth equivalent
CT: D --> What are you doing
CT: D --> Aradia, here's the deal
AG: To make your move!
AG: John, give me some slack for once????????
AG: Oh thank fucking goodness! Talk a8out a simple, perfectly justifia8le killing.
AG: Well.
AG: Yeah, meet her some hostages and key points of reference to keep me 8usy, remem8er?
AG: Araaaaaaaadiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaa.
You're off to this calling were the true meaning of the trial.